No rest for the . . . I’m weary

It’s been an interesting week. The baby is doing well and is enjoying her tough love she gets at night where she tries to console herself in her own crib. Julie has mastered the earplugs, so it doesn’t seem to bother her too much. I’m a little luckier — I’m downstairs while Julie has temporarily invaded Abby’s room to be with the baby upstairs. Abigail has been down with me, slapping me every few hours in bed. Let’s just say that she’s not a quiet, gentle sleeper.

With all this going on, work has been kind enough to kill me. I got home at nearly 2am last night, after working all day and night on a project. Doesn’t hardly seem worth it.

I’ll get more pictures up shortly. We’ve got a few. I made my first DVD with my iMac and it turned out pretty nice. It was just a slideshow created in iPhoto, exported to iDVD, Ken Burnsed (that’s a verb, right?), and then jazzed up a bit with graphics and music. Very exciting. i’m considering getting a MacBook. I really need a laptop to work on that wasn’t issued by my employer. Part of me wants to get a Windows machine so that I can do some of that work on it, while still doing Rails. I bet there aren’t 2 people that read this who know what that means.

Enough for now.


Our first bit of time adjusting has gone well. The baby is thriving and sleeping. Sleeping at mostly the wrong times, of course. Julie has done well. Feeding is always fun for her.

We’ve been well taken care of and it looks like we might survive 4 girls afterall. At least until the teenage years . . .

More later.

Gwenyth Eve

Baby Gwenyth came yesterday. Here are the stats:

6 lbs 14 oz — 20 inches — Beautiful (of course!)

The labor was fast and hard. I’ll leave the details to Julie and whoever else she wants to tell. Julie’s doctor, Dr. Sawyer, is a great man and a great doctor. He’s done great with her and we’re lucky to have him.

It took us quite a while to settle on the name. We always have intentions of using family names and what not, but, in the end, Julie’s romantic ideas about things come out on top. We’re pleased. She’s a beautiful baby.

Pictures are here:

Julie and Gwenyth are still at the hospital tonight. I’m home trying to keep Lucy from peeling off all of the wallpaper in her room and trying to keep her pajamas on. I think she’s sensing the change and upheaval that is about to occur in her life. Life as she knows it has ended. Should be fun.

My mom has had the girls for the last 30 hours and I’m not sure that she would mind if it’s another 30 days until she sees them again. Thanks, mom. And thanks to everyone who has been so good to our family and, especially, Julie.

There are some good people in this cruel world of ours. Miracles like the birth of a child have a tendency to bring the goodness out even more. So thank you . . . and get the food over here . . . we’re hungry 😉

Update — I just woke up in a cold sweat over the thought of what Julie’s going to do to me over that last comment about “we’re hungry.” So, this is for Julie: I was just kidding. If someone decides to take me seriously, there’s not much I can do about it at this point.

PS — we love Thai food.

Must be the full moon

It looks like the big event is upon us. At her weekly appointment with the doctor today, Julie found out that she’s progressing along nicely. Dr Sawyer said that he’s going to be in Tucson this weekend for his son’s soccer tournament and that he’d like to deliver the baby before he leaves. He’s afraid that one of his colleagues might see Julie and just decide to do a C-section, which no one wants.

So we’ll be calling the hospital every hour on the hour tomorrow, starting at 11am. We’ll see if they have any room available. If so, we’ll go in, Dr Sawyer will break Julie’s water, and off we go.

I must have seen about 8 or 9 near-term women at the office today. It might be a busy week. Maybe there’s something to that full moon thing. More later, I’m sure.