
I know that I’m starting to sound like a broken record here, but it’s really cold. This image was taken from Provo’s Daily Herald website at 10AM!
Minus 6

So, yeah, pretty cold. On top of that, I’m at work today and the thermometer on the clock behind me says 54 degrees. Apparently something froze somewhere or someone’s playing a cruel joke on us. I might be heading home soon.

We had a good weekend this past weekend. Sean, Jana, Eliza, and Anna came down from Perry (where they’ve been visiting Jana’s sister who just had twins) to see us. It was fun to have them here. We had some Thai food, which was completely gone in no time flat. I helped Sean set up his own blog: I’m sure there will be all sorts of exciting things posted there.

After they left, Julie decided that we *had* to go sledding. So we found all of the cold weather gear, including the newly-purchased bibs and boots, and bundled up to go. We only had one little saucer thing, so we had to take turns. Some friends had told us that there’s a golf course up in Cedar Hills that’s got some good places to sled, so we headed up there. There wasn’t much snow (enough to cover the ground, but not much more), but it was really fun. Abigail, Grace, Lucy, and Gwenyth all had turns going down the hill. Lucy and Gwen didn’t go by themselves, by the way. It was really fun. I was surprised at how fast you got going on that thing. But, again, it was really cold, so we didn’t last too long. Just long enough to have fun and get cold. I took a few pictures before we went out, but then I forgot the camera, so that’s all I have. Those will be up shortly.