Back from Moab

We had a great trip to Moab the last 5 days or so. The Elcock clan all met up. Ali wasn’t able to make it. Something about maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Something I clearly cannot understand (the 4.0 part, that is). There was golf, food, near-death experiences on the river, hiking, food, talking with geese, video games, pictures, waking Gwenyth up at 10, and food. It was great.

On the way home, it actually snowed over Soldier Summit. And then by the time we got home the temperature was in the 40s. Yikes! Apparently the day prior it was almost 90. Quite a swing, I’d say.

We have lots of pictures and movies to sort through. We’ll be posting many of them. If those of you fortunate enough to be there have some cool pictures or video you want on the DVD we’re going to make, send them our way. My gmail email address can handle pretty large attachments. If you don’t know what that means, you probably don’t have anything I want.

Now for the move . . .