Children’s Discovery Gardens

This is Jules Vern–as Natalie Kidd calls me. Thought I would write about the last batch of photos we uploaded. We are so glad the Steele’s were able to make some time to see us over the 4th holiday. We know that they have oodles of family & friends here in Utah. When we met up at the gardens there were squeals and giggles and then it was like we’d never been apart. Sheri suggested the Children’s Discovery Gardens which is owned by Thanksgiving Point. I am embarrassed that I hadn’t ever heard of it but was glad to experience it. It is located just north of the golf course.

the whole gang minus Lily & Madeline

Girls walking through the flowers

It was amazing with a huge ark with animals hanging out and water squirting everywhere. Abigail was my helper with little Gwen in the water. Lucy was Lucky to have Sydney play with her and show her the sights. Grace and Izzy were super-glued together most of the time. We were able to walk around the Garden and enjoy the amazing sights and flowers. I have never seen Lily Pads like that. They had a bear cave that the kids kept running through–Lucy wouldn’t even think of it or get near it! Then there were the mazes made of bushes that the children could literally run through. Sheri and I realized after looking at the map that we had only really seen 1/5 of the total gardens. I think there were a total of 55 acres of gardens–AMAZING! We’ll definitely be going back.

good friends

Sheri, Sydney & Isabelle

We decided to call it short and sweet and left the gardens after about an hour or so to go eat @ the cafe at Thanksgiving Point. Sheri & the girls gave both Abigail & Grace the cutest silver charm bracelets with princess crowns. They’re so fun and the girls are excited to add charms to them. Sheri also made Abigail a beautiful detailed frame with Abby’s baptism picture and notions (I have no idea how you fit that in Sheri). It matches her room and she loves it.

Over lunch the girls all played Madlibs. I had forgotten how much I used to love to do that! Abigail and Grace played it into the evening and I’ve never seen them laugh so hard! Sheri’s girls also started singing a song I haven’t heard since girls camp. My girls were hesitant at first but have been practicing ever since and love it. We ended with ice cream–it was so picturesque to see all of them lined up on their swivel stools eating ice cream in the old fashioned parlor. Kindof Normal Rockwellish. The Steele’s newest addition, Lily, has beautiful skin and big eyes like the others. She is such a happy and content baby. We are glad we finally got to meet her!

Sydney holding Miss Lily

Toward the end of our visit, Grace & Isabelle were trying to revamp the plans to cook up a sleepover but both Sheri and I had separate family parties that evening. They were good sports saying goodbye but we promised we’d be seeing each other not too far down the road. Good times and good memories!!

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