Photo Booth Matching Game

Print it out and draw lines to the match on the right. Or whatever you want. By the way, I own exclusive copyright to all of these photos, and none of you were coerced into doing this, nor can you claim any sort of emotional damage due to their being published. Enjoy. More to come, including the hall of fame here:

And for those of you that missed it, some exciting videos at the earlier post:

For those of you feeling left out, come on over and we’ll get you hooked up. Photo Booth is reason enough to buy a Mac.

photo-107.jpg Julie in the cast of Hairspray
Kasey Popeye Grandpa Jenkins
Julie Dan Kreying as Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”
Marg Bonnie “Leno” Wixom
Bubba Nancy Kreyling as “The Trunchbull” in “Matilda”
Belly Jami Wardle as Mr Ed
DPK Quinton Kreyling as a young Don King
Georgia Kurly Sue Kasey Wardle
Jami Georgia Kreyling as the stay-puff marshmallow baby
Nancy Abigail as the one-eyed cyclops
Bonnie Grace as . . . uh . . . Fat Alberta
Quinton Brian as Guy Smiley’s evil twin
Grace Bailey Wardle as one twisted sister (rock on, Rob!)
photo-325.jpg Margaret Kreyling as Jackie Chan’s monkey
Abby Ashley Wardle as Gumby
Gpa J Amy Robinson as a meth addict
Ashley Lucy as the who
photo-137.jpg A special guest appearance by Shrek

4 thoughts on “Photo Booth Matching Game”

  1. Hey why are there only normal pics of wannhakkaloogi and all the ones of the girls are from photobooth!!??

  2. Speaking of Wannhakkaloogi we searched and searched for the lake powell pictures to post of you in the matching game but to no avail. I think they are lost for good. Brian was pretty disappointed! You gotta love the pictures of him eh?!

  3. Julie, I havent had such a good laugh in a very long time. You guys have mastered the art of disfiguring faces. The ones of you and Brian and Dan are the best. I cant believe that you didn’t get mom to participate. Love Lisa

  4. Lisa,

    I tried and tried to get Mom to take a picture but I think she was so disturbed by my pictures–she wanted nothing to do with it! Come on up and we’ll gladly get a few of you! Can you believe the pictures of Amy? Pretty fun!

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