Happy Easter and Deep Thoughts

Happy Easter everyone. We had a good day today. Julie got some fancy dresses on the side of the road from some crack dress pusher a few weeks ago. You know the drill, she just *couldn’t* resist. Well they turned out pretty cute. Hopefully they’ll wear them more than once.

After a fun day of watching 8 2/3 year-olds at church, we came home to get ready for some dinner. We had invited her parents over for easter dinner. Our original idea didn’t work. So we started scrambling for a plan B. We found some salmon in the freezer. I pulled the van far enough out of the garage so that I could wheel the old barbecue out. I fired the thing up, it got a little warm, and promptly ran out of fuel. So I ran upstairs and did some quick research on the fastest way to cook some salmon. I put it in a glass pan and threw it in the oven. Julie found some shrimp in the freezer that we put in as well. All in all, it turned out to be a great meal. We had salmon, shrimp, crescent rolls, funeral potatoes, and jello.

After the meal, we headed over to Dave and Marilyn’s house and, as we often do, overstayed our welcome. I was able to hide some eggs in the basement and the girls went crazy looking for them. Abby got at least half of them — she counted.


Well, enjoy the pictures. And I’ll leave you with this profound quote from William Jennings Bryan:

A few weeks before, someone had planted a little watermelon seed in the ground. Under the influence of sunshine and showers that little watermelon seed had taken off its coat and gone to work; it had gathered from somewhere two hundred thousand times its own weight and forced that enormous weight through a tiny stem and built a watermelon. On the outside it had put a covering of green, within that a rind of white, and within that a core of red, and then scattered through the red little seeds, each capable of doing the same work over again.

Where did that little watermelon seed get its tremendous strength? Where did it find its flavouring extract and its colouring matter? How did it build a watermelon?

Until you can explain a watermelon, do not be too sure that you can set limits to the power of the Almighty or tell just how He would do it. The most learned man in the world cannot explain a watermelon, but the most ignorant man can eat a watermelon and enjoy it.

God has given us the things that we need and He has given us the knowledge necessary to use those things, and the truth that He has revealed to us is infinitely more important for our welfare than it would be to understand the mysteries that He has seen fit to conceal from us.

Lucy turns 3, masel tov, and fingerpainting

Lucy is 3. We had a fun time yesterday taking the girls and Julie’s parents to Brick Oven. We had talked about going to Chuck E Cheese, but I didn’t want to get tapeworms, so we opted for Brick Oven. It never disappoints there. Lucy felt pretty big, I think, when they came out and started singing to her. Gwenyth discovered root beer and continues her feisty streak.

After Brick Oven, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa J’s house for some ice cream cake and fun. We called Dave and Marilyn and invited them last minute. They were able to come for a few minutes and join in the fun. Lucy was really excited about her balloons, presents, the attention, and all the people.

Today Julie went on a field trip with Abby’s class to BYU. They went to the Museum of Art and had some fun with one of the chemistry professors. I can pretty confidently say that she’s probably the only Elcock to have a pleasant experience in a chemistry classroom at BYU. So good for her. They saw all kinds of paintings at the museum. Abby tells me that some of them were from the 1500s. She was really excited about it. Then in the chemistry classroom, the professor did some experiments, culminating in a loud and fiery explosion. I experienced some of those, but usually while trying to make up answers for the tests.

Julie mentioned that the teachers are saints. She called me from the bus and I could barely hear myself think. And I was on the other end of the phone. Lunch was had in Kiwanis park, where Abigail acted just like one of the boys and climbed the trees in her dress. She also had lunch all over her face. We continue to have the manners talk each week, but to no avail so far. That’s OK.

Tonight was “Art Night” at the girls’ school. It was really fun. They did some finger painting, real painting, dancing, cookie decorating (and eating), kite making, and all kinds of stuff. While we were walking around, we noticed a sign that said “Second Grade Winner” on it. We were looking at the picture and noticed Abigail’s name on it. She said, “Oh yeah, I won for the second grade art.” We asked her when she was going to tell us about it. She just shrugged as if to say, “I don’t know.” Anyway, she was really happy and we were happy for her. A picture of the masterpiece is below. There are some more pictures and some video of the whole thing. Should be fun.

We didn't even know she had won the reflections until we walked by in the hallway








Next thing you know, she’ll be asking for . . .

I don’t really want to think about it, to be honest. She’s a little too big for her britches as it is and is growing up before my eyes. Saturday morning, Julie took Abigail to the mall to pick up a dress and to have some time together. Somehow the topic of getting ears pierced came up. And it happened. I asked her about it. She replied, “Dad, it didn’t even hurt.” Well, excuse me. Really?

Here’s the evidence. There are a few more of Lloyd, but a little less Lloyded.: http://www.flickr.com/photos/midder/

Julie’s sister in law loaned us the first season of 24 on DVD. We’re currently zombies because we’ve watched about 10 episodes in the last few nights. There’s always just one more to watch. Eliece will pay for her insensitivity in giving that to us.

Lloyd Christmas

I call Gwen’s new hairdo a Lloyd Christmas impersonation. Julie calls it pixie bangs, which is a bit of a stretch if you ask me. The poor girl has been “Lloyded” for the first time, but probably not the last. Each of the girls has suffered a similar fate at one time or another. If you don’t remember Lloyd (consider yourself lucky), he’s Jim Carrey’s character from the classic Dumb and Dumber show.
Lloyd Christmas

Yeah. That’s Gwenyth.

The weather has been really great, but apparently that’s all about to change. It’s 60 right now, and that’s probably the highest it will get for 4 or 5 days. We’re supposed to get quite a whopper of a storm tomorrow night and Wednesday. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more snow out of this one than we’ve seen all season. One last hurrah, I guess.

We had a very exciting FHE tonight. Grace gave us a lesson, each of the girls performed a solo, and we heard Abby and Grace express their testimonies. If was touching. Julie was nearly in tears as she beamed watching her girls. Those scriptures were the greatest gifts ever. Thanks Grandpa. Abby will not sleep until she’s read a chapter each night, and she insists on starting in Genesis, so I think it’s a little slow going. Grace is doing just as well. She has a kids version that she reads along with the real thing, but they’re both very proud as they carry their scriptures around at church.

Things are moving along. It’s ebb and flow with the house hunting. I guess I’m just too stubborn and I read too much about different markets. I see the number of homes here going pretty high and I see that Utah is still #1 in the country for mortgage fraud, despite the “hot” market (or maybe it’s because of it). Anyway, we may be getting closer to something. Maybe that something is another rental. Who knows.

Susi, you’ll be happy to see Gwenyth’s new favorite shirt. Something about Whirled Peas. That girl has had numerous lights go on since her birthday party. She’s nobody’s fool. She also continues to chunk up. Enjoy the Lloyd pictures.


And here’s yet another video, taken in Grandpa Jenkins’ treehouse:
