School Shopping

Well, Target has a bunch of school stuff on sale, and we had to get down there before the unwashed masses cleaned the place out. Tonight I took Abigail and Grace to go school shopping. They’ve been saving their sheckles for a while and were excited to spend their money on all of the important stuff. So we went. They were both decked out in their pajamas, night masks, and sandals. It was pretty exciting.

We waded through boxes and packages of crayons, pencils, glue, folders, lunch boxes, and other sorted varieties of treats and fun. We passed on the Sponge Bob and Bratz folders and went for just the stuff that was “for sale” (on sale) only. We got home, where they both promptly ripped everything open, filled up their pencil boxes, and handed over $10 each for their school preparation. Now we just have to make sure that everything is still there by the time school starts. They’re so excited that they might run through it all.

In other news, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, broke high temperature records at 118, 116, and 114, respectively. I missed a lively round of Golf with Michael, Zach, and Dad on Friday that was no-doubt incredibly refreshing. I hear that Dad ended up jumping in the lake to stay cool. Maybe one of these days the thunderstorms I keep hearing about and seeing on TV will reach us.

New Blog

I think I figured out why Grandma couldn’t post a comment. The software I use for this thing has been on the fritz for a while and wouldn’t accept comments. After a while, it wouldn’t accept anything.

My wonderful host,, changed something on their server that pretty much broke everything, so that’s wonderful. Instead of fixing it, they blamed it on me, yada yada yada. So I decided to ditch Typo and move it to WordPress. It’s much easier to manage that way. I would guess that not a single one of you knows what I’m talking about in the slightest. That’s OK.

There are still a few things that are pretty screwy. The pictures over on the right don’t look very good. The comments didn’t come through from the old site. I still have them and may put them in. So you’ll notice things here and there, but everything should be OK for the most part. And I’m too tired to worry about it right now. It’s 12:27AM and I need to help Grandma in a few hours.

Swimming Lessons

Lucy started swimming lessons last week. It did my heart good to see someone put the fear in her like that. I saw a look on her face that I’ve never seen before — priceless. I’ve even got pictures to prove it. Of course now she thinks she’s invincible so she’s fearless: jumping off the diving board, almost hitting her head and back each time, thinking she can swim across the pool, etc. Classic Lucy.

There are a few pictures here. A few from swimming, a few from her day as a princess on Sunday (though I don’t know how that’s different than any other day), and a few of the girls doing Pilates. Fun stuff.

Grandma, click on the comments button, then on “Leave your own response,” and then leave your comment for the world to see!